Senate Bill S. 2006
These resources could be used to make the U.S. self-sufficient for all of our National Security and industrial needs. Instead, current regulatory issues related to the companion element Thorium force U.S. mining companies to dump this valuable resource into tailings lakes.
If the U.S. leads the world by developing a Centralized Rare Earth Cooperative that can accept Thorium bearing rare earths, the U.S. could become the global processor and producer of rare earths. As a supplier and processor of rare earths the U.S. would attract technology companies from around the world. These technology companies currently relocate into China due to the existing monopoly constraints on these materials. With a Centralized Rare Earth Cooperative all Thorium byproduct extracted during rare earth refining process can be safely stored and managed by a Federally Chartered Corporation with the responsibility to develop uses and markets for Thorium, including energy.
Congress must deal with this regulatory issue or surrender its place in the global economy as a technology leader. Congress has a legislative proposal in front of them now that can resolve our Nation’s dependence on China and put us on the path to rare earth and energy independence. To learn more about how the U.S. can create a fully integrated rare earth value chain inside the U.S. and initiate the development of clean, safe, emission free, alternative energy please view this video.